
Flat Carter

We don't know if you've heard of Flat Stanley, but he's this little paper guy that travels all over the world and has his picture taken. Several schools do this project to see where all their characters can go.

Well, we received Flat Stanley's brother, Flat Carter, from a boy in Omaha, Nebraska. He was sent to us by Jeff Hudson, who is Bob's first cousin. When he called Bo about it, he said that the only person he thought was crazy enough to do it was Bo! We weren't sure whether that was a compliment or insult (or payback for the hilarious prank call we did to him), but we rolled with it.

Since Bo travels a good bit for work, Flat Carter got to see lots of places. He went to the beach, he went to Mississippi, he went to Florida, and he even went to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility office. We decided that was such a relevant news story, that we could consider that part "educational". Anyway, we are pretty sure Flat Carter had lots of fun, because he stayed a good while with us. Finally, though, it was time for ol' FC to make his way back home, so we sent him on his way. Hopefully, Flat Carter will make it back to the student in time for show & tell...along with the extra shells we sent, too!

Flat Carter soaking up the rays at the beach

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