
Beach Picnic

Grandpa came over on Sunday afternoon, and after a quick trip to the neighborhood pool, we headed down to the beach for a dinner picnic. Hampton LOVES the beach, but he wants to run everywhere. That can be frustrating for both Hamp and Bo, who is the one who ends up chasing him (someone has to laugh and take the pictures, right?). Anyway, Hampton finally got into the spirit of playing with the sand after the guys had the bright idea of filling our big bucket with a water/sand mixture. Here's how it went in pictures....
Fun! A bucket filled with sand and water! Grandpa is really good at scooping.

Wow! I can't scoop as good as Grandpa, so I'll just splash. I love splashing!

You know, I like this water and sand-filled bucket so much, I'll just get IN it! Woo...the water's cold, but I don't care. Only Mommy worries about that kind of stuff!

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