Easter Egg Hunt
Wagon Ride
Easter Egg Hunt
Park Fun
Beach Picnic
Wow! I can't scoop as good as Grandpa, so I'll just splash. I love splashing!
You know, I like this water and sand-filled bucket so much, I'll just get IN it! Woo...the water's cold, but I don't care. Only Mommy worries about that kind of stuff!
On Saturdays, they run the cute little ride-on train, as well as run the model train exhibit. The volunteers at the museum are so funny, and the train "conductor" that day took us on a special ride through the rose gardens. They were gorgeous and they smelled heavenly! We also got to see Thomas ride the rails on the model, so Hampton loved that, too. Of course, his favorite part is just running wide open through the big park that the museum is in. So we did that, too!
After heading home and a huge nap, we decided to blow up the bounce house and let Hampton go at it. We wanted to make sure he'd sleep that night, since he didn't wake up from his nap until 5:15! He bounced for awhile, but then decided he'd rather swing & slide in the backyard. We played outside until he was actually ready to go back in.....which we knew meant he was tired, since he'd live outside if we'd let him!
Hampton talking excitedly to our sweet neighbors, who were cheering him on.
Who could resist this face?
What We're Loving Right Now.....
....that we get to enjoy $3.99 pizzas from Domino's on Wednesday nights. They're cheap, yummy, and make our get-out-the-door schedule much smoother, especially since we have to get to church earlier now that Bo has been recruited to be the security guard.
....speaking of church, we're loving that we have such an awesome one! We're getting really involved & meeting some great friends. And since Tanner has just been drafted onto 2 different committees, it looks like we're going to be busy, busy, busy!
....that we get the Sunday paper delivered to our door. We may take awhile clipping the coupons and actually looking at it, but it's nice not to have to go buy it every week.
....that a friend introduced us to a new park that is better for little ones than the one we usually go to. Hampton loved it, and we know we'll be spending lots of time there this summer, especially since it's so easy to get to.
....that we'll be headed on vacation in just over 3 weeks! Yay! We still have to make a couple of hotel reservations, pack, finalize our itinerary, and just think about the fun we're going to have, but the planning part of vacation is a huge part of the fun!
....that we spoke too soon a few weeks ago about Hampton. We mentioned that he was counting to five, but he's quickly moved on to 10! He counts non-stop, but he won't do it on demand. We are a little concerned, though, because if these math skills continue, he may not be our child after all! Of course, Hamp is coming along nicely on his ABC's, too, so maybe he won't be all math!
....that Publix is located right down the street. Last week, we spent a good bit more than usual, but we were thrilled to get all of this (valued at over $126) for just $34.50 pretax! And since we're getting a $10 Publix rebate, it makes it even a better deal. Which leads to our last "happy" of the day....
....that we have a new deep freezer to put all our groceries in!
Happy Birthdays!

We're sure this is what Ben will look like today after eating his birthday cake!
Flat Carter
Well, we received Flat Stanley's brother, Flat Carter, from a boy in Omaha, Nebraska. He was sent to us by Jeff Hudson, who is Bob's first cousin. When he called Bo about it, he said that the only person he thought was crazy enough to do it was Bo! We weren't sure whether that was a compliment or insult (or payback for the hilarious prank call we did to him), but we rolled with it.
Since Bo travels a good bit for work, Flat Carter got to see lots of places. He went to the beach, he went to Mississippi, he went to Florida, and he even went to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility office. We decided that was such a relevant news story, that we could consider that part "educational". Anyway, we are pretty sure Flat Carter had lots of fun, because he stayed a good while with us. Finally, though, it was time for ol' FC to make his way back home, so we sent him on his way. Hopefully, Flat Carter will make it back to the student in time for show & tell...along with the extra shells we sent, too!
The Toycase
Weekend Warriors
Saturday was filled with errands and to-dos. We left the house before 9am and didn't get back until about 8pm! We ran, ran, ran......went to an Open House for our friend's store, ordered a swimsuit at the Kelly's Kids party, bought some goodies on sale at the outlets, hit up the craft store, made a quick Sam's trip, ate a fast picnic lunch at the park in Daphne, went to the name it, we probably did it!
Sunday we had to tackle our at home to-do list. Which meant scrubbing the shower (yuck), tending to our garden, and cleaning the garage. We did have to pick something up at Bob & Randi's, though, so Hampton got a little playtime in their yard and a treat as well. Who says you can't have your cake while playing and eat it, too?
Hampton drinking out of a big boy glass