
The Week That Was

This week was the one we'd been dreading for awhile...Bo's work trip to Boston. He had to leave our house at 3:15am on Monday morning and didn't get home until 1:59am this morning. He pretty much ran full-throttle the entire time he was gone, shuttling from meetings to meals & even a group bowling outing. Meanwhile, Tanner wrangled littles at home. And even though she stays at home everyday, being up from 5am to 9:30pm with children is exhausting when there's no break for even a shower....especially when Hampton decided he needed to sleep in our bed each night! Anyone that thinks that caring for 3 kids age 4 and under isn't work obviously hasn't done it! Ha! 

We all survived, thank goodness, and we even managed a little fun. We played  at the playground with friends & ran around outside at Bob & Randi's house. We colored & played trains, cars, kitchen, and lots of "clubhouse pals" (aka the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters). Here are a few pics from the week...

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