
Poor Baby

Well, we're still sick in the Howard house. Daddy didn't feel good yesterday, Mommy is under the weather, and Hampton has a yucky cough & chest rattle. But the worst is poor Harrison, who is just pitiful with a fever & cough. 

Sunday night we were up every two hours until Bo headed to Walmart at 5am to buy more meds. With a mixture of PediaCare, all-natural cough medicine & vapor rub, Harrison managed to get some rest yesterday & we all got a full night's sleep last night. He's still feeling pitiful today, but nothing like yesterday. We're hoping tomorrow's even better & that we're all on the mend. 

Here's a pic of the poor baby with his juice, blanket & bunny, along with the empty medicine box that he wanted to keep with him. You know...all the must-have sick accessories! 

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