
VBS Success!

We did it! Except for our picnic tonight, we've survived another year of Vacation Bible School. We had a great turnout, and the whole thing couldn't have gone smoother. The children all learned the Lord's Prayer, which is awesome....especially since lots of adults can't remember it! 

Both Hampton & Harrison are still too small for a class, but they had a blast in the nursery. Hamp had a couple of little friends his age to play with, and they both LOVED the music. Our nursery workers are so awesome that they took the littles to both the opening & closing assembly each day just so they could dance. H1 took full advantage, and by the 2nd day, he was up on the stage with Mr. Cody, our music leader! 

We're already working on our theme for next year, and with the plans in the works, it's sure to be a hit as well!

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