
The Nina, The Pinta and The Hangout

Recently, the replica ships of the Nina & Pinta sailed into our port for a few days of touring. We wanted to see them, so we headed down to take a look. Bo had toured a similar boat when he was younger, but since Tanner grew up land-locked, this was her first experience. They were very cool...and much smaller than anything we'd want to take on a world voyage! The guides told us that there were at least 27 people on the smaller boat & more on the larger boat, and for sanitary drinking water, they pretty much drank the equivalent of rubbing alcohol. Thank goodness for modern times!
After our exploring, Hampton was dying to play near the water, so we headed to the Hangout, where there are fenced play areas, outside picnic tables, and delicious burgers. We're sure the people on the Nina & Pinta would have been thrilled to have a place to relax like that after they sailed the seas!

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