
Train Museum

On Saturday, we headed up to the Foley Train Museum to get our fill of the model trains. We've been many times before, but this time Hampton could NOT get enough of the train exhibit. They have a huge 0-gauge setup, which means the entire train display is 1/48th of full-size. Usually, we go ride the mini train, look at the model trains for about 5 minutes until Hamp has had his fill, then go outside and run around in the park. This time, Hampton stood mesmerized at the model train exhibit for over an hour. Just stood there! Harrison enjoyed himself, too, and didn't fuss once. He just chilled in his stroller & then sat on Tanner's lap & watched the people. As much as Hampton has talked about the museum after we left, it looks like we'll be spending lots more time there!

Harrison hanging out in his stroller

riding the train
Hampton telling us all about the "jobi wood" that the small train was hauling

this is how Hampton stood for an hour, mesmerized by the trains

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