
March In Review

This month we....

Went to Sunday church together for the first time as a family of 5

Had fun on Mardi Gras

Celebrated lots of birthdays

Took advantage of pretty days to play on the school playground, at the park, and at both Grandparents' houses 

Signed Harrison up for MDO in the fall

Got used to Spring Breakers everywhere

Continued working on the sunroom (sigh)

Survived the time change

Got in a little exercise

Had Fun!!!

We're really looking forward to what April will bring, especially the warm weather we've been waiting so impatiently for! 


Roly Poly

Guess who rolled over for the first time today? If you guessed baby Hayden Kate, you're right! If you also guessed that her Mommy is sad that she's getting big, you get bonus points! Oh, well....we know she has to grow up at some point. The fact that she's a doll helps quite a bit!


First Field Trip

Monday was Hampton's first field trip at school. They went to the zoo & even had a picnic lunch while they were there. We've been to the zoo tons of times, but there's just something extra-special about going with all of your friends. Hampton had a great time & was very excited about feeding the goats. We're loving the safari photo of his little class & his beloved teacher, Ms. Lisa!


Sunny Saturday

Last Saturday was so nice, so we took advantage of the weather. HK and Tanner headed to Walmart with every spring breaker on the planet. Once that was finished, it was time for lunch with Bo, Paul & the boys. Bo & Paul spent the afternoon working on the sunroom while the littles & Tanner headed to Bob & Randi's house to play outside. The grandparents weren't there, but we managed to still have some fun! After they finished working, Bo & Paul came up to the house & played for a bit, too. Paul headed home & we all headed out for a beach picnic. Harrison fell asleep in the car (not waking up until Sun) and birds pooped on Bo's food, but it was still a great evening! Hampton especially thought it was fun, so we figure we'll be having some more picnics once the weather gets & stays warm!


Silly Selfies

What do you do while waiting on your Five Guys burgers & fries? You entertain the kiddos with your iPhone camera, of course! The boys are obsessed with pics of themselves, but we so have a tendency to shove the camera in their faces! 


St. Patty's Recap

We had gobs of green fun on Monday, including green pancakes for breakfast and green yogurt for dinner. Hampton even had a sneaky leprechaun visit them at Mom's Day Out. Fun times!


Hello, Spring!

Today is the first day of spring, and we honestly couldn't be happier! We are SOO over the cold weather and sickness that comes along with it. Here are some of the things we're looking forward to in the coming months:
Warm Weather! Hallelujah!
playing outside
going to Disney with the whole Howard clan
beach trips
Egg Hunts
more time to play with the time change
grilling out
playing on the playground after school
Bo's Birthday
Spring Break
short sets & bubbles
drawing with sidewalk chalk
and making memories with these 3!!!


Party People

Every weekend for the last four weeks we've had at least one birthday to celebrate. The boys have had more fun running around, jumping in bounce houses, and hitting piñatas than should be allowed! We are just grateful that the boys have such good friends to celebrate with! And we aren't going to lie...all this partying has us thinking about our birthdays in the fall. 7 plus months isn't too early to plan, right? HaHa! 

Here are some party pics, including one at Grandi's birthday lunch. We like to celebrate the adults, too! 


Bumbo Fun

Look who can sit up in her Bumbo! She really likes it for short amounts of time. It's funny how she inspects everything...sitting upright must be a completely different vantage point!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We hope everyone has a fun day filled with green!
The Prayer of St. Patrick
The Strength of God, pilot us
The Wisdom of God, instruct us
The Hand of God, protect us
The Word of God, direct us


The Krewe of Threes

The Friday before Mardi Gras, the best parade in town rolled through. "The Krewe of Threes", otherwise known as the 3-year-olds at MDO, decorated floats, collected throws, and dressed up to parade in front of family & the other students. It was absolutely adorable to watch...such a fun way to watch the good times roll!


Friday Photo

This sweet boy adores his baby sister! 


Happy 3 Month Birthday!

Today is 3 months since Miss Hayden Kate arrived. We can't believe she's been here this long! She is so sweet & is a major cuddlebug. She has the brightest smile & her newfound laugh is hilarious. She loves to be sung to, and tries to sing along to Row, Row, Row Your Boat & My Girl. 

She's still a major sleepyhead, sleeping about 11 hours at night & napping most of the day. All that sleeping has made her grow, since we've already had to put some of her tiniest clothes away. Talk about heartbreaking! 

But even though she's growing too fast, we can't wait to see all the changes that come along in the next few months! We all adore you, "sweet baby" (as her brothers say)!


Happy Mardi Gras!

We hope everyone has a great day & lets the good times roll!


February Recap

Last month we...

Ran at The track

Had someone sick for 4 weeks straight

Played Dress Up

Celebrated Love Day & Mommy's Birthday

Played trains

And watched this blur of a month go by!