

The boys are both so into planes now, and since the weather has been cold & yucky, we headed over to the Pensacola naval air station museum to burn off some energy. The boys had a blast & their Granddaddy was a trooper by chasing them around the buildings!


Ice, Ice, Baby

Something you don't expect to see in South Alabama is snow & ice, yet that's exactly what we got on Tuesday and Wednesday. And since you can't get anywhere around here without crossing a bridge, everything came grinding to a halt with the impending storm. Even our local news channel cancelled programming and went to straight coverage of the weather for 2 days. Luckily, we knew it was coming and it was nothing compared to Birmingham & Atlanta. The boys did enjoy getting to go out and see the ice & tiny bit of snow. We especially love the picture of our hurricane pass completely encased in ice! That's not something we ever thought we'd see in the deep, deep south!


Muffins With Mom

Friday was "muffins with moms" at Hampton's school. It was super-cute...we had yummy muffins & they all sang a song for the mommies. It was a great way to spend a little one-on-one time with our quickly growing littles!


Just Monkeying Around!


Highs & Lows

Some weeks are just better than others! Last week was definitely an off week, but there were some bright spots, too. Here's the weekly recap:

Tanner & the grandparents all got sick. Luckily, the babies didn't get it, and everyone is on the mend now.

Harrison took his new-found love of coloring to the couch. With an ink pen.

In the middle of dragging 3 kids into MDO during arctic weather, Tanner managed to not be able to assemble the tank stroller and set off the car's panic alarm.

Since he's now abandoned naps, Harrison fell asleep twice at the dinner table. No nap makes for a long day, but 6pm makes for an early bedtime!

Hampton wanted to go to church Wed night on his own, so we let him. He had a great time, and Tanner found out how fast a house could get cleaned with no kids "helping".

Hayden Kate slept for 10.5 hours Friday night. She was exhausted by all that sleep & promptly took a 5 hour nap afterward.

Due to multiple customer requests, The Monogrammed Monkey reopened on etsy. We hit the ground running & now have lots of orders to fill! 

The toilet broke in the boys' bathroom. Luckily, we got it fixed within 2 days, but we realized real fast that we can't be a 1-potty family! 

We made more progress on the sunroom, although it's already gone over budget (grrr). We hope to live through the slow process! We don't know who wants it done or Hampton, who asks about it every day! Where are the Property Brothers when you need them?

Here are a couple of photos from the week of sleepy eater Harrison and a bundled up Hayden Kate. This cold weather has got to go! 


Doughnuts With Dad

Last Friday was "Doughnuts with Dads" at Hampton's preschool. They did a little performance, then got to hang out with all the other dads & 3s classes. Hampton was so excited to have some special time with Bo, and Bo said it was really cute! Not to be left out, Muffins with Moms is this week!


Let's Hear It For The Bow

We've been having lots of fun playing around with HK's hairbows! Now don't worry...she doesn't always look like Minnie Mouse. She usually wears small baby bows that are much more to scale. However, we think we're adopting Hampton's MDO teacher's rule of "no bow, no go!"


Weekend Update

This weekend we:

Spent time at P&Js
Installed the windows in our sunroom addition
Priced more consignment stuff
Ran errands
Booked a fall mountain getaway
Went to the zoo with grandparents
Had date night at a fave local joint
Celebrated a school friend's birthday at The Hangout


I Don't Need No Rocking Chair

Harrison's new favorite hangout? Hayden Kate's carseat. He likes how much it rocks, and since he's such a skinnie-Minnie, he fits in it. Actually, he could still ride in it, according to weight guidelines, but we think his legs may be just a tad too long! 


Week in Review

This week we:

Started pricing stuff for the upcoming consignment sale. It's amazing how much boy stuff we have accumulated in the last 4 years! Luckily, we have a little less now that we sold a bunch of our boutique stuff in a big online sale.

Built a big train track in the middle of the living room floor. It's been the big play thing this week!

Took advantage of the sunshine & played outside all day at Grandi & Grandaddy's house.

Finalized the dates for our May trip to Disney with Bo's family.

Tanner taught Hampton how to dribble a soccer ball & how to play "horse". Sadly, she can barely hit the broad side of a barn with a ball, so Hampton won by a landslide.

Got our tickets to the Hangout Music festival. Once we heard that Jack Johnson was going to be headlining, we couldn't wait another minute! Add in Outkast, Amos Lee, Bastille, and the Killers and even Tanner is excited!

And the biggest news of all...Hayden Kate has started sleeping through the night!!! WhooHoo! She must have felt the pressure to beat H1 & H2, coming in one week earlier than the 6-week-old benchmark that H2 set. We hope it sticks, because these few full nights of sleep have been awesome!


Holiday Cards

During the holidays, we got lots of cute picture cards from friends & family. However, the cutest one we received was from our pediatric dentist. While the boys were at their checkup in the fall, the Doc snapped a quick pic with the boys. We didn't notice it at the time, but it was the cutest surprise when we got it in the mail! We knew this dentist was for us when we saw the huge picture in his office of his two boys that are the same age difference as ours. We immediately knew he has what it takes to wrangle 2 wild ones!! The card was just another reminder that we made the right choice!


Newborn Photos

The week after Hayden Kate was born, our good friend Mandy at Haber Photography came over & did a session. It turned out great, and we were thrilled to get photos of our whole family. She got us the photo for our Christmas cards super-fast, and we've just been waiting on the prints to arrive of the other pictures. Now we're busy planning where to hang them, and we're already looking forward to our next session in a few months! Here are some of our favorites...enjoy!


Weekend Update

This weekend was a mix of rain & sun, and we took advantage of both. The boys spent the night with P&J Friday night while we ran errands & had a quiet dinner out. Then Sunday we took the children to the zoo. Hayden Kate seemed  to love it, especially since she slept the whole time! We did get inspired with the warm weather to try on our 1st bubble!


What A Week!

This week was a wild one! First, it was absolutely frigid here! It hasn't been this cold since we've lived here, and we hope it isn't again. Yuck!  But we were also slammed back to reality. Hampton's Moms Day Out started back this week, which meant that Tanner had her first adventure getting all 3 of the kiddos in and out of school. It went pretty smoothly, with the exception of running Harrison into the wall while trying to maneuver our new beast of a stroller! We also started back Wednesday night church this week, which left Bo running to do security while Tanner stayed home with the kiddos & tried to deal with the volunteers who have taken over her class for the time being. Add in 3 doctor's appointments 3 days in a row, and we're all but given out!


Hayden Kate's 1st Bath

Since Hayden Kate's belly button fell off unceremoniously overnight, she got her bath the very next day. She handled it well, being quite comfy in the warm water. Her skin is very peely, so we were thrilled to wash a lot of the skin flakes away. She didn't love getting out of the warm bath, but she did like being snuggled up in her hooded towel!



Slater Visit

On Thursday after Christmas, we got the treat of a visit from Bo's mom. Boba, Grandpa Andy, and Bo's sister Alyson came up from south Florida for a couple of days. It was quite cold those days, so we mostly just hung out at the house. It was fabulous! We especially love that Alyson got to meet her namesake, since Hayden is Aly's middle name. It was a great visit, and we're looking forward to seeing everyone again in the spring!



Happy 1-Month Birthday!

Yesterday was Hayden Kate's one-month birthday! We can't believe how fast this time has flown by! 

She is absolutely precious...quiet, content, and a major sleepy head! She is a great eater, and from the first night home has only woken up once a night to eat. She likes her bouncy chair & swing, and loves to be cuddled. She gets in the cutest little frog position with her legs tucked underneath her. She's gotten many comments about just how good she is, and we feel so blessed for that!

Her hair is turning the same auburny-red as Hampton's, but the jury is still out about whether her eyes will stay deep blue or change to brown. She weighs 9 lbs, 3 oz, which keeps her in the high 40s, percentile wise. 

We could not adore her more, and her brothers are wrapped around her tiny little fingers. We love, love that "Baby Hayden" (as H2 calls her) is finally here & making our family perfectly complete!