
Wallet Thief

Harrison "stole" Mommy's wallet last week & proceeded to pull everything out & inspect it. Luckily, he was caught before much damage was done...the fun had to end when he started pulling on the big bills!


Friday Photo

What a cute bag boy!


A Few More Photos


A Glamping We Will Go

Our first camping trip of the year was this past weekend, and we camped kind of close to home. Paul & Jan have a new 5th wheel (that is SWEET!), and they wanted to make sure we weren't too far away while they worked out any kinks on it's maiden voyage.
There were a few hiccups, including set up in the rain and it being a little colder than we'd have liked, but we still had a fun time. We hit up several playgrounds, went on a 1.5 mile hike, saw the planes at NAS, and just enjoyed each others' company.
We have a few other trips already on the books, and we're looking forward to more fun times ahead!


Thomas the Train


Make It Count

On Friday night, while most people were glued to the TV watching the conclusion of the Boston tragedy, we had a smaller tragedy hit closer to home. Sadly, Friday night Bo's Uncle John died suddenly of a massive heart attack while taking out the trash.
What struck us both was what Bo's Aunt Carol (John's wife) said. She said that she was thankful that they told each other that they loved each other daily, and she was so glad they'd said it that morning, because she'd never get the chance again. Wow.
What a perfect and sad example of how short life is. Since none of us knows how much time we have left, we need to spend whatever minutes, days, years & decades we have showing each other love & making memories to be treasured. When you think about it, we really just don't have time for silly arguments, hurt feelings, and ugly words. Wouldn't it be awful if that were the last things we did or said? When people talk about us after we're gone, we hope that we're remembered like Uncle John will be...a kind man who was an amazing husband and friendly to all.
That's all for today.....we've got to get busy fitting in as many kisses, hugs, memories, and "I love yous" as we can!


Harrison Update

Yesterday was a big day for us....Harrison was released from physical therapy! Such good news for him & us, as we are exhausted from the back & forth trips to Mobile every other day. We have a follow up appointment with the surgeon in 2 weeks, and Harrison will be wearing gloves for weeks, but it looks like the worst is behind us.

We had to snap a photo yesterday to commemorate the milestone. Since you have to check in to the office by 8:15am, or you won't be seen that day, we had to
leave the house by 6:15. We definitely thought it was easier to just leave Harrison in his pjs.


Play til you Drop

A few weeks ago, we were playing outside at Grandi & Granddaddy's house all morning. Harrison was so exhausted that he literally fell asleep chewing his lunch. We had to take it out of his hands and make sure he wasn't going to choke, while trying to not laugh too hard. We shouldn't have worried....he was way too fast asleep!


The Beach Boys

 A couple of weeks ago, the weather was amazing (still is...yay!), so we had our first big beach trip of the year. We stayed & played in a small tidal pool for the longest time, thankful that Harrison was occupied enough to mostly stay away from the gulf. Hampton was such a big boy, following directions and making several new little friends. We know that this was just the first trip of many that we'll hopefully be taking this summer!


Fun Photo

We came across this picture that we don't think we've shared before. We were packing up to head to TN for the holidays & apparently everyone thought that the suitcase made a better chair than luggage!


Harrison Recap

We never thought that a day that started with Harrison standing in the potty would end with him admitted to the burn unit in Mobile!

Tuesday afternoon, he pulled down the oven door & put his hands on the hot surface. He also put a toy car on top of the lasagna. We made stops at 3 medical centers before we were admitted to the hospital at a little after midnight on Tuesday night.

We were in the hospital until Thursday night & Harrison underwent 2 procedures. We also had to be back at the hospital on both Friday & Sunday morning by 8:15am, and tomorrow we have a meeting with a pediatric surgeon.

It's been a long, exhausting week, but we are just so thrilled that he wasn't hurt worse. We have also been overwhelmed at the support of friends & family. This is definitely a situation where we're choosing to count our blessings!


The Baby Ninja

So, Harrison is our child that we have to watch like a hawk. He's like a ninja....strong, fast, silent, and up to no good. He climbs in the oven, the dishwasher, on top of the train table, the back of the couch....anywhere he is not supposed to.

We turned our back on him for just a minute, and the photo below is what we found. After pulling him out, then Tanner had the pleasure of sticking her hand in to get the car he'd dropped in. We might have just flushed it & hoped for the best, but since Harrison has already caused us to replace this toilet by dropping a train in, that just wasn't an option!


Weekend Warriors

Since the weather was gorgeous this weekend, and it was one of only 2 free weekends we have until mid-June, we decided to tackle some major projects. Tanner finished the taxes at the last minute, but thanks to her determination to get every deduction down to the last penny, it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. And it's over....that's the main thing!

We also tackled a bigger out our garage. It was a big undertaking, but we finished & now our garage is the most organized that its been since we moved here. Everything is even labeled! Yay, us!

We also cut Hamp's hair, donated lots of stuff to Waterfront Rescue, helped Bob with a project, hosted lunch for P&J, and got roped in to planning part of our Sunday School's big camping trip. Whew!

We did manage to fit some fun in, too. However, we wore Hamp out so bad that on the way to play at Grandi & Grandaddy's, he fell asleep & didn't wake up until 7 this morning. That's what you call playing 'til you drop!


Friday Photo

What a big boy!


Easter Recap

We had a wonderful Easter this year. The weather was amazing, which definitely helped! We started at our church's sunrise service at The Hangout. This was our 2nd year going to that service, and we love it. Seagulls, the beach, great music, and an even better message. The place was packed out with locals & vacationers alike. Afterwards, we headed to breakfast with our dear friends the Bodifords. Afterwards, we went home & rested before heading up to Bob & Randi's house for lunch with them and Tanner's cousin Ben. We were so, so excited to see him since it had been awhile! We ate way, way too much, enjoyed the sunshine, and watched the boys play until late afternoon. Hampton definitely had fun....he fell asleep on the way home and didn't wake up until yesterday morning! Here are some of our favorite photos of the day, but you can catch lots more here.


Happy Happy!

Happy belated Easter to everyone! We hope you had a blessed holiday with family & friends reflecting on the meaning of the day. Happy April Fool's Day as well. We think treats are better than tricks so we don't really get into this day, but if you do, enjoy! We'll be back tomorrow with an Easter update, but today we're just going to recoup from the weekend....and that's no foolin'!