Phoning It In
Birthday Weekend
TN trip
Mardi Gras
Valentine's Day recap

We like any reason to celebrate, so we definitely didn't pass on Valentine's Day! We did a little decorating and attempted heart-shaped cinnamon rolls, but they puffed up into a circle once we cooked them! Oh, least the pink icing was cute! We also made strawberry jello and brownies with heart sprinkles to carry out the v-day theme. As we were trying to decide among a few fun things to do that night, Hampton kept saying over and over "Grandi, Granddaddy, Josie, Sinclair". Well, we took the hint and decided to head over to Bob & Randi's to play outside and have dinner. It was a great way to end a great day!
Pool Party
We were really worried that Hampton wouldn't like it because he wasn't big on the pool last year, but oh how times have changed! He kept saying "swim in the pool", and once he got in he didn't want to get out for lunch. He also managed a major meltdown when he finally had to get out, so we promised him that we'd swim again this coming weekend. Of course, that means we'll have one more thing to pack for our trip to TN!
Harrison's Party
Harrison's baby bib cake
Friday Photo & Week in Review
Ok, this week has been a bit of a wild one. It started fine but busy on Monday with errands and seeing both sets of Grandparents.....ending with a rousing rendition of the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song over dinner with P&J. Trust us, 4 adults and a toddler singing all the words at the top of our lungs was quite a site!
On Tuesday morning at 4am, though, the week went downhill. Hampton woke up throwing up and running a fever. So that meant that Bo stayed home with Hamp while Tanner took Harrison to his 2-month checkup. Harrison is doing great, weighing 13.11 lbs, but he had to have a few shots. He didn't take well to them, so to make a long story short, we've had 2 sick littles for the past several days. We're still trying to get caught up on all the laundry, as many sheets and clothing have been dirtied this week!
Play Mat
5 Years
Each anniversary, we go out for pancakes with Bob & Randi, just like we did on our first Super Bowl Sunday here. This year, though, we had another pancake-lover with us.....Hampton. He was so excited that he was getting pancakes, that he couldn't wait for them to arrive. The sweet waitress even brought his out early so he could get started on them!
We always get a little reflective on this anniversary, and this year especially. We were just talking about it last week, and we both agreed that we feel more content & fulfilled now than we ever have. We live where we'd always dreamed of living. We have a wonderful church family, close friends, and now 2 beautiful boys that are going to grow up with so many fun things to do! We are also so lucky to have 2 sets of Grandparents here, too, that get to enjoy these boys as much as we do. Our lives aren't perfect by any means, but we're perfectly content to see what else God has in store for us. Here's to many, many more years of great memories and more pancakes!
Happy 2-Month Birthday!

It's so hard to believe that Harrison is 2 months old today! My, how time flies! He's the sweetest boy and full of smiles. He's started "talking" to us now, and we love hearing those gurgles and coos. He's fascinated by lights, fans, and his fish mobile above his crib. He sleeps in his own room now, so no more waking up every other minute to make sure he's still breathing!
He's starting to grow out of his newborn clothes and move into 3-6 and some 6-9 month clothes. He's starting to fill out a little, but we're still hoping for lots more baby rolls. Hey, it's the only time in his life that lots of fat is cute!
He's a very laid-back baby, especially when it comes to listening to his wild big brother. Hamp has this ear-piercing squeal that he does frequently, and it doesn't bother Harrison at all. His laid-back ways have made him a very lazy much so that it's hard to get him to stay awake long enough to finish a bottle! And as long as he's swaddled, he'll sleep like, well, a baby!
He's very strong, though, and likes to kick out of his swaddle. We came in to find him wriggled completely out of his swaddle and his pjs down to his waist the other morning! He looked like a mermaid, and it was hilarious. He also holds his head up very well and has lots of leg strength. He'll "stand" with our hands under his arms and he looks like this little old man who's about to shuffle off. It's too cute!
Well, we'll quit going on and on about how adorable he is, but let's just say that we are so thrilled that he's here with us. We can't wait to see how much he changes in the next month, but we want to keep him just where he is, too!
Weekend Update
Senior Bowl 2012
Since Bo & Dane were able to get free tickets, they decided to let the boys see what they thought about their first football game. Lucas, who is a year older than Hamp, LOVES football, and Hampton loves an adventure, so off they went.
Hampton was quite the entertainment at the game, dancing wildly while saying "I can't stop!" and "Go crazy!" Who would've thought other people would find that amusing?
Even though they didn't make it through the whole game, it was definitely worth taking the boys to, and most definitely an experience!
Work & Play
--Anna Quindlen