Birthday Party Decorations
This past weekend was Hampton's 2nd birthday party. We had a great time and the weather was wonderful, however, we didn't get as many pictures as we'd wanted. So most of Tanner's insane adorable crafts didn't get documented. Oh, well! Here are some views of the one thing we did get a photo of (and the most important), the food table.

Pumpkin Patch
This past Saturday, we headed to the pumpkin patch to pick out a couple of pumpkins and let Hampton run around. We went to this same patch last year, and he loved it, so we wanted to go back. The people that run the patch are so nice, and the prices for the pumpkins are awesome! We got 2 good-sized pumpkins for $4, which was well worth it for just the enjoyment Hampton got from touching most of the pumpkins and running around enjoying the weather!

Down on the Farm
We recently went to Brantley Farms for Hampton's friend Addison's birthday party. We'd never been there before, so we were really excited for Hampton to see the animals and run around outside in the beautiful weather! They had lots of animals to see, but Hampton was most interested in the tractor. He liked being able to turn the wheel and sit up high. We're sure that his Grandpa is going to be thrilled about this!

40th Annual Shrimp Festival
This weekend was the 40th Annual Shrimp Festival, so we had to join our 300,000 closest friends and check it out! We went down on Thursday night, which is known as Locals Night, because the crowds aren't quite as bad, but also because every year the Tip Tops play. We've heard about the Tip Tops since we first moved here, but have missed them for some reason or another every time they've played. Well, we finally got to see them, and they did NOT disappoint! They were awesome!
The person who loved them the most, though, was Hampton. He was all about dancing to the music, and was getting lots of smiles and laughs due to his "unique" dancing ability (he inherited his moves from Bo, if that tells you anything!). Luckily, we ran into Jeff & Jessica Hudson, so they got lots of amusement out of watching Hampton show off his moves, too. Here are a couple of photos that try to capture his routine....they don't quite do it justice, but trust us, this boy is a dancing machine!

The person who loved them the most, though, was Hampton. He was all about dancing to the music, and was getting lots of smiles and laughs due to his "unique" dancing ability (he inherited his moves from Bo, if that tells you anything!). Luckily, we ran into Jeff & Jessica Hudson, so they got lots of amusement out of watching Hampton show off his moves, too. Here are a couple of photos that try to capture his routine....they don't quite do it justice, but trust us, this boy is a dancing machine!
Lulu's and boo-boos
Dinner with the Hudsons
So, like we mentioned yesterday, it's Fall Break time! This past weekend, we got to meet up with our extended family Jeff & Kay Hudson, along with their daughters and Kay's sister. We had a great time visiting with them and laughing a lot, especially while Bo told the story of the practical joke he played on Jeff last year! Hampton loved playing and making faces with Jeff at dinner, so we were all well entertained. Kay is down here for a month (so lucky!) and Jeff, Katie & Jessica are coming back and forth, so we're hoping they get to come to Hampton's birthday party in a few weeks!

Dinner with the Hensons
As you know, we love the fall around here. One of the best things about this time of year is we have visitors for Fall Break! We recently got to catch up with Tanner's Uncle David, Aunt Melissa, and cousin Katie while they were down for a long weekend. We met them for dinner at the newest Tacky Jacks and had a great time. Hampton especially loved the attention and getting to play outside with his Grandi. It was so great to see them, especially since we won't be making it to TN for the holidays this year.
Friday Photo and Week In Review
We've also had dinner with Granddaddy, since he's in TN for 2 weeks helping Tanner's Grandmother recuperate from eye surgery. Hampton has hung out with Grandi & Grandpa & Grannie while we've done a little Christmas shopping, monogramming, and picking up a few more goodies for Hampton's upcoming birthday party (including the actual invitations!). We've taught both Sunday School and Wednesday night classes, and Tanner isn't sure she's ready to have her own 5th & 6th grade boys just yet!
This weekend is going to be a packed one, but hopefully at some point during the next few days, we'll be able to mark a couple more to-dos off those 8 never-ending lists!
Bass Pro
On Saturday, we were on the Eastern Shore running some errands, so we decided to make a stop at Bass Pro Shops to let Hampton see the fish. Well, it just so happened that Grandpa & Grannie were right up the road, so they came over to join us. Hampton got to see the fish, wander to the top of the waterfall area, and had his photo taken during the football event they were having for the children. He even left with his own football. It's funny how much better this photo turned out than the one last year with Santa!
Big Shoes To Fill
Hampton LOVES to walk around in our shoes. His favorites are Bo's tennis shoes and a pair of Tanner's flats with little baubles on the toes (which he attempts to pull off, much to Tanner's dismay). He'll walk all around the house in them, no matter if the shoe is on the correct foot or even if it's pointing the right direction. Which is why, if you come to our house, you may find random single shoes anywhere you look!
Hampton's First Haircut
Ok, yes we know that the child is almost 2 and he hasn't had an "official" haircut before now. However, we have tried to take him to the salon, but Tanner's girl refused to do it after Hampton pitched a royal fit before she snipped the first piece. So, since then, we've been taking random swipes at his hair ourselves when it gets too unmanageable. However, his hair was looking quite unkempt and since he IS about to be 2, we decided it was time to brave the salon again....this time with Bo's girl.
First, we did lots of research online of what worked for other people. Armed with our info, we came prepared with suckers (which Hampton had never had before), songs, and cartoons on TV. We even had Bo get his hair cut first, to make Hampton see that it wasn't scary. At first, it didn't look like any of that was going to work......especially since Hampton didn't care for the suckers. We just knew we were going to be told that this was a bad idea (again), but the very brave stylist took over. She ended up having to cut Hampton's hair by looking in the mirror while holding him on one hip. She was so patient and wonderful.....let's just say that she got a big tip from us!
So, to make a long story short, Hampton now has his first big-boy haircut. We think it looks very cute! He also looks very classic little boy....his Grandi says he looks like he could be June Cleaver's son, which we think is a big compliment!
First, we did lots of research online of what worked for other people. Armed with our info, we came prepared with suckers (which Hampton had never had before), songs, and cartoons on TV. We even had Bo get his hair cut first, to make Hampton see that it wasn't scary. At first, it didn't look like any of that was going to work......especially since Hampton didn't care for the suckers. We just knew we were going to be told that this was a bad idea (again), but the very brave stylist took over. She ended up having to cut Hampton's hair by looking in the mirror while holding him on one hip. She was so patient and wonderful.....let's just say that she got a big tip from us!
So, to make a long story short, Hampton now has his first big-boy haircut. We think it looks very cute! He also looks very classic little boy....his Grandi says he looks like he could be June Cleaver's son, which we think is a big compliment!
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