Zoo Trip
Monday afternoon, Bo cut out of work a little early so we decided to make a quick zoo trip. It had been awhile since we'd been, and the weather was perfect, so why not? We love that it's only about 5 minutes from our house! Fun was had by all and we of course snapped way too many photos...this IS us we're talking about, remember? :)
The Swing Set
Since Hampton loves swinging, climbing, and just generally being outside, we thought he'd love a swing set. Ours is part premade kit / part creative project, and we've been waiting for months to have time and good enough weather to install it. It took the Grandfathers (with a little help from Bo) all weekend to assemble, but it's ready to be played with! There are a few minor things to still do, like attach the picnic table, fill the underneath with sand, and put on the rock wall climber-thingys (yes, that's the technical term). However, the important parts, the swing and the slide, are already being enjoyed immensely! A huge thanks to Grandpa & Granddaddy for helping us.....we are so lucky to have Handy Granddads!
the construction even smelled like work outside!
The Sandbox
Tanner's dad has embraced the fact that Hampton loves playing in his yard, so he decided to build the ultimate summer yard must-have.....a sandbox. Of course, since Bob is quite the craftsman, this is not your normal cheap-o sandbox (like the kind we probably would have bought!). It has a mesh-wire top so the rain can run through but creatures stay out, a full-sized umbrella for the sunny days, and bench seats on the sides so you can sit without getting dirty. There is even a tot-sized beach chair that can be used in or out of the sandbox. Not that Hampton cares about any of that! He's just happy playing with the sand toys and empty rubbermaid containers. We hope Granddaddy knows he's created a sand-monster!
Fairhope Arts and Crafts Festival
This past weekend was the 59th annual Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival. It's a huge deal that draws around 250,000 people, and we look forward to it every year. The artists come from all over to the juried show, so it's full of beautiful high-end creations. Since Paul and Jan had never been, we wanted to make sure they got to experience it. We met for lunch, then headed over to the show. We had a great time seeing the crafts, people-watching, and browsing the downtown shops. Hampton missed out a little though, since he decided that it was great weather for an outdoor nap and slept the entire time we were there!

Spring Fever....Literally
Are we down with RSV? Yes, unfortunately! Hampton got sick last week, and we figured it was RSV that he caught from his cousin Jack. After lots of research online, we found that there is no medicine for it and it has to run it's course. We cancelled two playdates and kept him home from church last week, just as a precaution. By the weekend, he was feeling a little better, and Grannie was here. So we went out and did a few things, even though Hampton slept or stayed in the car for the majority of them. Then Sunday night, he got to feeling a lot worse.
So, Monday we headed to the Doctor's office. He was confirmed to have RSV and also an ear infection. He's throwing up and running a fever, so the Doctor has quarantined him for the next 10 days. That means three more cancelled playdates, a rescheduled committee meeting, a missed luncheon, and no church again this week! We've already gone through a whole bottle of PediaCare and we're steadily working on another. Mostly, we just want Hamp to feel better soon!

So, Monday we headed to the Doctor's office. He was confirmed to have RSV and also an ear infection. He's throwing up and running a fever, so the Doctor has quarantined him for the next 10 days. That means three more cancelled playdates, a rescheduled committee meeting, a missed luncheon, and no church again this week! We've already gone through a whole bottle of PediaCare and we're steadily working on another. Mostly, we just want Hamp to feel better soon!
Hampton and Daddy on the shore of Perdido Bay
Coffee With Cousin Ben
Weekend Update
We had lots of fun this weekend! Friday night was Family Fun Night at church, and involved fun activities (and childcare!) for the little ones while the parents got to eat pizza and hang out. We all had lots of fun, and Bo got to show off his questionable ping-pong skills. Tanner's brother John and son Jack got into town on Friday night, so afterwards, we went and visited for just a minute. We would have stayed longer, but we knew Hampton needed to get into bed with such a busy weekend of playing right around the corner!
We got up to Tanner's parents early for breakfast on Saturday, and the two cousins had lots of fun running around the yard and playing with all the fun stuff in the yard. They took a break to go to the train museum, where they had lots of fun riding the miniature train! After naps, the outside playing continued until it was too chilly to go back out.
Sunday, we picked up doughnuts and headed back for more outdoor playing! After nap and lunch, we headed down to the Orange Beach Art festival, which was hopping, even though it was almost over! We ate gelato, strolled the vendors, took in the water views, and played on the playground. (don't worry....we'll share photos tomorrow). It was a great weekend, and we're looking forward to seeing the whole Henson clan again in a few weeks!
We got up to Tanner's parents early for breakfast on Saturday, and the two cousins had lots of fun running around the yard and playing with all the fun stuff in the yard. They took a break to go to the train museum, where they had lots of fun riding the miniature train! After naps, the outside playing continued until it was too chilly to go back out.
Sunday, we picked up doughnuts and headed back for more outdoor playing! After nap and lunch, we headed down to the Orange Beach Art festival, which was hopping, even though it was almost over! We ate gelato, strolled the vendors, took in the water views, and played on the playground. (don't worry....we'll share photos tomorrow). It was a great weekend, and we're looking forward to seeing the whole Henson clan again in a few weeks!
Rainy Day
Yesterday it rained and was quite yucky for most of the day. We had a play date scheduled at our house that got semi-canceled due to the weather. Luckily, our friends Stephanie & Will braved the rain and got to play for a little while. After they left, Hampton crashed with a long nap. Oh, don't you wish you could sleep like a baby? We do!
The dreariness allowed Tanner to get some things done, like work on Hampton's closet. It's so hard to keep it organized when we're in-between seasons and he's growing like a weed! We have been able to hit up some of the consignment and boutique sales lately, though, so we've gotten most of his shopping list knocked out. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise....little boys have just as many accessories as little girls!
One of our favorite finds...a rain jacket from I-Play that we scooped up at the Kidz Klozet sale. We'd been looking for a new raincoat for months, and were thrilled when we found this one, especially since it's such great quality. How do we know that? Tanner used to be the sales rep for the company!
The dreariness allowed Tanner to get some things done, like work on Hampton's closet. It's so hard to keep it organized when we're in-between seasons and he's growing like a weed! We have been able to hit up some of the consignment and boutique sales lately, though, so we've gotten most of his shopping list knocked out. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise....little boys have just as many accessories as little girls!
Throw Me Something, Mister!
Yesterday was Mardi Gras, and we had a blast going to both the Gulf Shores parade and the boat parade. There were large crowds for both parades, but luckily we found great spots at both. The staff at King Neptune's were super-nice to let us hang out in front of their restaurant, and they even gave out goodies while we waited for the parade to start! At the boat parade, we did have to wait over an hour to see the first boat, but since we have the dvd player in the car, we just watched cartoons until the boats arrived. We also met some great people at both parades, and it was nice to see how friendly everyone was about not hogging the beads (yes, they did throw beads from the boats!). We didn't have to worry about Hampton not getting enough goodies, though, because Hampton got the hook up at the GS parade! Of course, it doesn't hurt that he had 3 Grandparents there to round up as many throws as they could.

here we are.....Hampton was too interested in some of his goodies to look at the camera
Let The Good Times Roll!
Today is Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday. It's the last day to live it up before Lent starts tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. Since Mardi Gras started in Mobile, it's a HUGE deal down here. Schools are closed and so are many businesses (including Bo's). This is nothing like what you've seen in New Orleans, because down here, everything is very family oriented, which we love. We're headed out today to watch some parades and hopefully get Hampton lots of throws, because he absolutely loves the beads! As they say.....laissez les bon temps rouler....let the good times roll!
Maybe, but it wouldn't be as much fun!
Weekend Update
This weekend was busy! We......
- ate yummy fried pickles & okra at Randi's last 2011 birthday bash
- played & had a meltdown during our playgroup
- arrived at our vet's office just in time for the pet Mardi Gras parade
- had a pizza party with some friends
- ran not-so-fun errands like having the oil changed
- visited with friends at the Kelly's Kids party
- substitute taught 5th & 6th Grade Sunday School
- Hampton cut 4 wonder he's been cranky!
Friday Photo and Week in Review
To The Zoo
Hampton got a zoo membership for his birthday, so we try to take advantage of it regularly, even though it's been so cold. Bo took Hamp down there recently for a fun little outing, since it had finally warmed up enough to enjoy it. Usually, we see the lions last, but since they're Hampton's favorite part, they went through the zoo backwards and started with them this time. Luckily, they did, too, because not soon after that, Hampton decided he'd had ENOUGH! But that's the best part about having the can make a quick trip and then come back anytime you want!

Park Playdate
Last week, we took advantage of the nice weather and planned a park playdate with some friends. With as much planning as went into it, you'd have thought we were planning a state luncheon, but eventually we got there and had fun! It was the first time we'd gone to the Gulf Shores park, and we actually think we like it a little better than our old standby! While we were there, we met some new friends, too, so it was definitely a good time. We've planned another get-together for this week, so it looks like we may have a new hangout!

Conner checking to see what was going on in the Tot Lot
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