November Updates
Thanksgiving Weekend
You know what they say.....location, location, location!
We took this photo moments before the boat had to be bailed out from the choppy surf!
Belize was so completely gorgeous....maybe that's why they say it's "unBELIZEable"!
You can check out our other favorite photos at Enjoy!
Kathy, Arlene, Mrs. Lynne, Tanner, Linda, Melissa & Lisa at Cosmo's.
Tanner's New Job
Melissa's Wedding
The first dance for the new Mr. and Mrs. Franks. So sweet!
My dear friends Linda and Mrs. Lynne!
Arlene and her husband. The guys were all thrilled to be there!
Random Updates

Gus, the puppy we rescued during Hurricane Gustav, is growing like a weed! Wayne and Leslie are taking great care of him and keeping Uncle Bo and Aunt Tanner updated on his daily life. Here's one of the newest pics of him with his big brother Jackie.

Speaking of Uncle Bo and Aunt Tanner.....early this summer, Bo's parents met up with Bo's sister Leigh in Chicago. This is the cutest photo of our niece Mira, Leigh, and Bo's dad having a great day at the park. We hate that we weren't there, too, but hopefully we'll all get together soon....especially since Mira will soon be a big sister!
Here's a photo of the view from the balcony at Tanner's parent's. We spend a ton of time here...enjoying the view and aggravating Randi, which is half the fun!

Here are a couple of photos that Tanner took at work the other day. Part of her job is photographing the properties that are recruited into the rental program, and she couldn't resist snapping a few extras just for fun!