
Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday afternoon turned out to be the WAY better option for the Easter Egg Hunt than a rainy Saturday morning. Although it was technically in the middle of Hampton's nap time, we powered through. Tanner had to be at church early to help her committee set up and hide some of the 2000 eggs, so it was Bo's job to get everyone dressed, packed, and ready to go....which he did and arrived right on time, which is very rare in our house! Hampton had a great time, especially with his beloved friend Lucas (whose mommy was sweet enough to take most of these photos). The funniest part of the whole afternoon, though, was during the Easter lesson with Pastor Jody before the hunt. All the little ones were being quiet, until Hamp's little friend Garrett hollers across the room "Hampton! I see you over there!". Little ones are so hilarious!

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